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What is Zirconia? 

Zirconia is supplied to dental offices in the form of a round block, which is then milled by a computerized cutting machine (CAD/CAM) into the shape of dental crowns or bridges.

Zirconia is becoming the most popular material for making dental crowns because it is an extremely strong and hard materiel, close to 1200 mpa, compared to  a traditional full porcelain crown at 250mpa. It is white and relatively opaque. So it is a great replacement to PFM.


We offer 3 types of zirconia crowns: Solid Zirconia, Layered Zirconia & Zirconia HT (High Translucent). 


Advantages of Zirconia


  • Zirconia crowns are highly biocompatible and promote a healthy tissue response.

  • Zirconia crowns are custom made from CAD/CAM technology that minimise the margin error and ensure excellent fit

  • Zirconia is suitable for patients with metal allergies or who would prefer to have metal-free restorations.

  • Zirconia is metal-free, that means there is no metal margins exposed due to gum recession.

  • The translucent nature of zirconia can transmit the colour of adjacent teeth and it is manufactured in a wide variety of shades, making it easy to accurately match the colour of the patient’s natural teeth.

  • Using computer-aided design and manufacturing processes provide patients with a precise fit, reducing the chair-side time required for adjusting and cementing these restorations.

  • Zirconia do not transmit hot and cold in the same way as conventional PFMs. Therefore patients feel more comfortable with zirconia than PFMs.

Disadvantages of Zircoina


  • Zirconia crowns are  very strong and have raised some concerns about friction against the tooth root and wearing down opposing teeth. 

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